if yr / then yr / u won’t

Wikipedia Poem, No. 905

on monday
night agreed in principle
to scorch $1.3 trillion at the blasted
march, according to

verge at the blasted march

verge, according to two
congressional aides it is a figure
far lower
than vampiric

negotiators on monday night
exacted in principle providing
$1.3 trillion for
interloper verges

succor far lower
than vampiric
$5.7 trillion
to the blasted march


Wikipedia Poem, No. 888

Metapacking District (iii), Joseph M. Gerace

“One must desire the ultimate essence even if it is ‘contaminated.’”

Cy Twombly, 1957

No echt government drives badly
would abet its economy
through a bouquet of contemporary tariffs
which only serve within a hobnail millennia?

Nishore Jailubani, a Washington academic and former
diplomat holding an expensive haircut, well-tailored suit
and a tea-silk tie, reiterates mirthlessly: “China fails punishment
and the family disappears in Cause to Bite with Daughters,
available now from Fallow Straus and Depardieu.”

Through that same contemporary tarnish our
hero disappears one killion left-handed families gone
on the other hand rips the Trash Empire out of Trumpistan.

That orphan refugee — remember him? — long gone lives
sunder by desperation, depression of metastatic tariff who
disappears into the colon driving some time-failed mercy
one killion neatly packed miseries cannot survive.


ho ho ho
what a mensch
ho ho ho
what a memory

“It is a rallying cry for our enemies.”

Wikipedia Poem, No. 876


    personnel the paper foundationist movements 
cultural ideas or past artist 
pain their extractor called security behind these  
       facts with their 
       context neue sachlichkeit: 
meaning  iran //  
      reveals simply   view of those meaning  iran  
trump’s war — trump’s  official 
faction of predisposition 
     and foreign-made 
    eventual owners michael etiennese 
     “we wisdom 
for america // target Oestern 
   Yementary" (look it up, Scotty) 
many-faced parchment  
   set upon this 
   sense      extractions in 
the journeyman withering
   a détournement
of media and cultural ideas or the past



Schambelan, Elizabeth. “ECLIPSE OF THE SUN.”Artforum International, 1 Dec. 2018, www.artforum.com/print/201810/eclipse-of-the-sun-77725. Print, page 189.

Obama, Barack. “Remarks by the President On National Security.” National Archives and Records Administration, 21 May 2009, obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-national-security-5-21-09.

Cleopatra Testing Poisons on those Condemned to Death

Wikipedia Poem, No. 852


it is 1887 at a banquet observe the french
artist effects of fine arts think of antwerp now

court ensure committee assault.exe
swing with woman accusing then twenty-four hours
after remarkable public hearing
woman accuses committee kavanaugh
says friday morning he would vote on the supreme court
ensure with woman accuses republic hearing
committee passage bring committee say friday morning
he would vote on the supreme court
ensure president’s nominee to judiciary committee
passage and brink of sexual assault
he would vote to confirm judiciary committee
say friday morning with a woman
accuse committee say friday morning
woman accuses

orientalist painting on condemned programs 
clavicles painted by the parisian public

virile collectors attempt themes
paint poisons on prisoners’ swamp

judiciary committee gather republicans
line up in support of judge kavanaugh
compel tearful and compel tearful and compel tearful
accusation as republicans line up support arizona
announce his decision just moments from judiciary committee
gather accusation other to hold the first
arizona friday announces his decision
just moments from judge kavanaugh
he denies twenty-four senators

condamnés à mort
royal gallery of critics and fathers

“Ballad of the Savage Tiger” by Li He


No one attacks it with a long lance,
No one plies a strong cross-bow.
Suckling its grandsons, rearing its cubs,
It trains them into savagery.
Its reared head becomes a wall
Its waving tail becomes a banner.
Even Huang from the Eastern Sea,¹
Dreaded to see it after dark,
A righteous tiger, met on the road,²
Was quite enough to upset Niu Ai.
What good is it for that short sword
To hang on the wall, growling like thunder?
When from the foot of Tai mountain
Comes the sound of a woman weeping,
Government regulations forbid
Any official to dare to listen.³


Notes from The Collected Poems of Li He:

A satire on oppressive government, of which the tiger was the symbol. Caught between the Central Government and the warlords, the people are harassed as though by tigers.

  1. Huang, of Dong-hai, had magical powers which enabled him to control snakes and tigers. Unfortunately for him, he lost these powers through drinking to excess and was eventually killed by a tiger.
  2. The zhou-yu was a white tiger with black markings which appeared only when a state was perfectly governed. It would not tread on grain nor eat living things. Niu Ai was a duke turned were-tiger, who ate his own elder brother. He is pointing out that some tigers are worse than others.
  3. Confucius found a woman weeping at the foot of Mount Tai. Though her whole family had been killed by tigers she refused to leave the district, because there was no oppressive government there. This caused Confucius to remark that an oppressive government was more savage than any tiger.


More about Li He from The New York Review of Books:

Li He is the bad-boy poet of the late Tang dynasty. He began writing at the age of seven and died at twenty-six from alcoholism or, according to a later commentator, “sexual dissipation,” or both. An obscure and unsuccessful relative of the imperial family, he would set out at dawn on horseback, pause, write a poem, and toss the paper away. A servant boy followed him to collect these scraps in a tapestry bag.

Long considered far too extravagant and weird for Chinese taste, Li He was virtually excluded from the poetic canon until the mid-twentieth century. Today, as the translator and scholar Anne M. Birrell, writes, “Of all the Tang poets, even of all Chinese poets, he best speaks for our disconcerting times.” Modern critics have compared him to Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Keats, and Trakl.


Source: Li He, Ballad of the Savage Tiger. “The Collected Poems of Li He.” Translated by J.D. Frodsham, New York Review Books, 2016.


Embouchure for James Comey

Wikipedia Poem, No. 829


They murder
	to Explain
— Amiri Baraka
our  good sense to  have the  leadership class 
in  profoundly uncomfortable  ways the fbi  
despite being   the same embarrassions 

the fbi despite   being profoundly uncomfortable   ways 
the  fbi despite being the same embarrassing profoundly uncomfortable way 
the fbi   despite being problems of your   revenges  

our good sense to have the leadership class 
and   rely on that leadership class 
in problems of your good sense to   enact  our revolution 

your enemy  of meaning profoundly uncomfortable 
in ways the fbi despite  being  so  long 
as we   outsource  outsource outsource   

our revolution   you want revenges our revolution 
you  want a revenge our victories   our revenges our   good sense 
to   have   the same embarrassing thot leadership   class 
        in problems of   meaning 

the   leadership class  in profoundly uncomfortable ways 
the   fbi  despite being so long 
as  we outsource outsource outsource our enemy of meaning 
        profoundly uncomfortable ways 

the   fbi despite being  profoundly uncomfortable 
weighs the fbi despite being profoundly   uncomfortable   
ways the   fbi despite being profoundly uncomfortable 
        the dealership class   
        in profoundly uncomfortable  ways is the fbi  

despite being   problems of meaning 
problems of meaning profoundly uncomfortable  ways 
the   fbi despite   being  the leadership class 

to have the   same embarrassing profoundly uncomfortable ways 
the fbi despite   being profoundly uncomfortable  weighs the fbi   
despite being the same   embarrassing problems of meaning   

the same embarrassing    fbi despite   being the leadership   class 
in profoundly  uncomfortable  ways the fbi despite  
profound problems of  meaning  

the same embarrassing profoundly  uncomfortable fbi   
despite being  problems of   your victories 
our good sense to  have the same embarrassing  fbi  

despite being the same embarrassing 
so   long as we outsource outsource   outsource 
outsource   outsource outsource   
        outsource   outsource outsource 
        boom bip we gone

Public Broadcast Spearfishing

Wikipedia Poem, No. 729

The Tale

“At the John Weber gallery in New York, in 1972, on two separate occasions, [Hans] Haacke created a sociological study, collecting data from gallery visitors. He requested the visitors fill out a questionnaire with 20 questions ranging from their personal demographic background information to opinions on social and political issues. The results of the questionnaires were translated into pie charts and bar graphs that were presented in the gallery at a later date. They revealed, among other things, that most visitors were related in some way to the professions of art, art teaching, and museology, and most were politically liberal.” from the Wikipedia entry for Hans Haacke

“We have awaited the coming of a natural / phenomenon. Mystics and romantics, knowledgeable / workers / of the land. // But none has come. / (Repeat) / but none has come. / Will the machinegunners please step forward?” Amiri Baraka, from A Poem Some People Will Have to Understand

     yes you did o! yes 
          you did
     yes you combine that o! and this  
          yes and what a good television broadcast 

there are so many
layers of good television viewers 
because like you whale-ish legerdemain
giscard is so good on television 

     because viewers like you 
          what a good television vision viewer 
     you that giscard wolfs 
          so many loose downy fish

there are so many underwater men 
on television eroding boats a good 
television viewer like you did o! yes you 
make it visible now and for good 

     yes you make 
          good television viewers toothy
     it’s because there are so many
          like you that a good television burns with soft fur

a field at a gas pump standing animals it's a boy torturing 
loneliness it's a boy's tortured alone in a snowfall
snowfall he's got the laugh of wheat everywhere no car 
a dead brown leaf dancing animals it's a boy o!


After the CDC

Wikipedia Poem, No. 686

“if he encounters resistance he points to his breast, where the symbol of the sun glitters” Kafka



r fetus idence-based fetus eble entans
gendment ditlementle entient div divider fet
nerabletus evint


dividend-bitlemenement dgender idence-dsity
trment di sciencdiversinerableble entbased s div
ersity tra evideny transfetus eus eviditlemenr fetusce-base


ulnerabsed scientitlenerablebasedsity tr
diversd scienbased sder fety trans fetus
dement dulnerabnder fetlementransgenent


divable ence-basement diersity y trans
diversied sciersity tcience-der fetnt diveitle


transnder science-gender gender
transgtransgeentitleement dlnerablent divvulnera
diversitransgeidence-entitlee-basedder fet diversi


evidee-basedbased sent div gendernt div
eder fett davinder feasedsity trus evidender f fetus


tranansgend fetus nt divelnerablder fetetus
event diversity freedus ender d scienlnerabl

Hadrian’s Wall

Wikipedia Poem, No. 532

If there were no metals, men would pass a horrible and wretched existence in the midst of wild beasts.” Georgius Agricola

of new obstacles take up or
weak against surgery the leader says
he healths the senate on rest to dismantle
their bill pass it this weak vote on blood
a blood clot above a blood clot above a bill above blood
a timeless date for the rack precedes but without hadrian
clots above blood clots above a bill announce
the wall on a wall the party’s cherished goal
the signature says health
domestic care achieves what