Wikipedia Poem, No. 196


do they have a valid
point this is messed

up dancing with the
stars raunchy calvin

klein causing out
rage victorias secret

most it is an upskirt photo
without their consent guys

who are taking these photos
hell his ads with men in their

boxers show more lol per
ception cannot be legislated

makes sneaky pics okay the
fact that shes getting paid do

esnt matter to some 20 year
old borderline sex criminal i

am not upset about sexy ads
but in canada we have had

ou dont seem to care about that
this is what he does he creates

sexual controversy to the point
where the POTUS makes a pub

lic statement against it its brill
iance every time so this uproar

he passes it to everybody
he is a sex offender for life

its only an underwear ad
this photo could be a 12-year-old

girl but then I saw this com
ment most celebrate it

some mock women
enjoy shirtless males

he has a valid point
what happens if a young girl

shares a crotch shot
grow the hell up shes a 22

people are so stupid theyre
going to think this picture

quite a few cases of perps hav
ing hidden cameras and they

can upskirt children teenagers
and adults they are put in jail

clothing on other underwear lin
gerie adverts and TV and film y

is exactly what they were look
ing for narcissistic exhibition

ism is everywhere those who
look will always be labeled cree

an alaskan fishing vessel
with her teenage boyfriend

year old woman with a job
and getting paid more than

nor can human interpretation
this is an ad shes a model

kes no sense why people are
complaining models wear less

py she is in possession of a coup
le things pedophiles are into terr

ible analogy why shouldnt a teen
age girl rent a car why shouldnt a

teenage girl perform open heart su
rgery why shouldnt a girl work on

where i live an upskirt photo
can get you charged some

for this the ad is fashion and a
way to sell underwear but this

lets perps think this is okay so
why should i be put in jail ma

Wikipedia Poem, No. 195

“Tar smell. Smells like sweet summer. / Chi ci dà la luce? Il Duce! / That is to say, God.” Frederick Seidel



to the yacht
one hundred pounds
changes an image

rose gold is produced
in a limited edition
changing the image

of the royal yacht squadron
back in 1454 the image produces
the name becomes america


twice without hands
a tradition of artemis
colors adapted without

hands or a traditional center
the upper bridge and lower bridge
racing like a fascinating tourbillon

without hands or tradition
spinning dials located in time
tops fascinating spin


a logo then as helium escapes
red-lined with boat sails watch
explosive five-minute regatta

countdown to this logo then
heliumed with the boat’s sails’
seamstress embossed with a

five-minute regatta countdown
to the boat regatta countdown
to the helium red boat strap


sailors this is the oracle
sailing witch certifies the countdown
an eye-catching color

a limited rubber strap
incorporating titanium
sailors this is the start-time

a limited run necessary
to function produces extends
reproduces a limited rubber strap


Watson, Stephen. “6 truly impressive watches 
      inspired by the America’s cup.” Esquire. Hearst Communications, 
      6 May 2016. Web. 11 May 2016.

Wikipedia Poem, No. 193



and happy in a way
our english cushions dictate
insouciant as lerner’s date

things not words or things which show
the dictionary has as much to do
with diction as she is seriously taken

an irreverent lack of insouciance it doesn’t
necessarily mean you haven’t defended her brother
free from meaning’s synonymous shrug

looking insouciant at insight which seriously
she is irreverent he reminds her and ripe
plucked authoritative you don’t mean a lack

of feeling unctuous anxious careless careless
prepared to burn and unctuous or a thing
casually taken seriously a lack of teeth

and a calm state related with disdain
disparaging more translative more insouciant
shrug straight-ahead saucy and free online

“Dante’s Beatrice” by Frederick Seidel (2006)

I ride a racer to erase her.
Bent over like a hunchback.
Racing leathers now include a hump
That protects the poet’s spine and neck.
I wring the thing out, two hundred miles an hour.
I am a mink on a mink ranch determined not
To die inside its valuable fur, inside my racesuit.

I bought the racer
To replace her.
It became my slave and I its.
All it lacked was tits.
All it lacked
Between its wheels was hair.
I don’t care.
We do it anyway.

The starter-caddy spins its raving little wheel
Against the Superbike’s elevated fat black
Rear soft-compound tire.
Remember: racer
Down for second gear instead of up!
Release the clutch—the engine fires.
I am off for my warm-up lap on a factory racer
Because I can’t face her.

I ride my racer to erase her.
I ride in armor to
Three hundred nineteen kilometers an hour.
I am a mink on a mink ranch about
To die inside its valuable fur,
Inside my leathers.
She scoops me out to make a coat for her.
She buttons up a me of sort warm blur.

Is this the face that launched
A thousand slave ships?
The world is just outstanding.
My slavery never wavers.
I use the word “slavers”
To mean both “drools”
And, changing the pronunciation, “trades in slaves.”
I consider myself most of these.

Mark Peploe and I used to sit around
Cafés in Florence grading
Muses’ noses.
Hers hooks like Gauguin’s,
His silent huge hooked hawk prow.
I am the cactus. You are the hyena.
I am the crash, you the fireball of Jet-A . . .
Only to turn catastrophe into dawn.


From “Poems 1959-2009” Frederick Seidel

Wikipedia Poem, No. 190



enduring in the
enduring question
for sale three quarks each

until it was discovered
destroyed electrons
grains three quarks each

evolved along with humanity
people once were enduring
blocks three quarks each

inside quarks said the physicist
have we haven’t we been able
to see any evidence at all

most fundamental layer
of matter the physicist asks
have we any evidence at all

we’re reached most fundamental
layers matter bits of matter
or quarks and evidence all

if quarks say science
how small the universe
abject possession of minutes

that even quarks and electrons
divide the horizon bits of matter
existence even more minute

graphic scientists don’t know
quarks even channel horizon
the idea appears as space

two particles like quarks
smooth but correct an
idea appears to be loops

of discrete pixels
or grains some of
no matter with no

experiments teensy
tiny particles would
solve universal tiff

referred to by physicists
still spatial still discrete
often recursive

to loops of being two
particles would each
always solve the other

able to loop a grain
sometimes referred
to infinitely close actually



Source: Mourya, Shankar. Ujjain Kumbh. 2016. Hindustan Times, Ujjain. Photograph. Web.

Wikipedia Poem, No. 189

“I wish it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly.” Diogenes of Sinope


i have investigated
these different cell types
normal or cancer and epithelial

under different experimental
conditions the signaling pathways
have been studied via western blot

to assess the up or down regulation
and activation the results are unpublished
and data collection is ongoing therefore

i cannot be more specific
regarding the findings of
cell migration and activation

Wikipedia Poem, No. 188

“Wrapped and sealed with masking tape / Moistened with sweat / Experience existence of ignorance / The product of capitalism” D. Boon


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lanipurins orting soil des ine chatur leavind

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thern it graposillin shmine in ice

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Wikipedia Poem, No. 187

“There on the hillside a large herd of pigs was feeding. So the demons begged Jesus to let them enter the pigs, and He permitted them. Then the demons came out of the man and went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned.” Matthew 8


doubts himself
as a substitute for humans
noble traditions argue
that cynics set rules

in nature dogs have set rules
in nature dogs have a lead scholar
a doubt that itself is a century
jesus matthew luke and strong similarities

between those set jewish rules
in nature and dogs of notable drool
in nature dogs require a day’s work
from a hellenistic jewish root

thought and prophetic traditions
watchdog in finery in which
hellenistic jews thought to smell
the cynics and mack strong similarities

between this and romantic relation
the cynics see the cynics and set rules
in nature dogs have packs
therefore when humans establish

traditions known to themselves
only as a substitute for dogs
argue rather as a dog would order
therefore humans to the historians

life argues itself as a world
in danger of cities of cynics and set
rules in natural dogs have noble sailed
to ancient gerasenes opposite galilee