Things to Do with the Abnormal King

Wikipedia Poem, No. 865


            Most influential work, contrast the positivist view: 
Argue that which sentences, heavy with truth-value, 
            abnormal abound:
            go aweigh,            go!

Neither truth nor performance, 
text in particular, sentences, call the performative 
            u up?

            Oh, abnormal king!  
Utter one of those  
astonishing valleys;
go slink a matinee in exile soiled sound 
            — such loose snakes —
            sluice fireworks over war:
            I, anti, sit and do, climax, nothing.



This pattern supports previous research 
which found the beneficial potential 
for humor to release negative mood scales
and replace them 
with a positive
sense of euphoria 
or elation.

Both males and females appear to benefit 
from the enjoyment 
of specific humor
when angered.


Source: Prerost, F. (1995). Sexual desire and the dissipation of anger arousal through humor appreciation; Gender and content issues. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 23, 45-52.

Instructions for a Narrative

Wikipedia Poem, No. 855


Mislead darkness into spaces surrounded by the unknowable void. Definitive articles, please. There be thick monsters of expired physiology of the ancient world of mind, the dark spaces of plein-air painting, found artifacts—void, which you will know about—the maker, the forest dying in technology’s web, the art of confused interrogation. For the second act, return to the suspended forest. Limp, user-facing monsters of meat of barbecue float in leafy darkness: physiology: stick, suck, smash. I am talking about the ending now: Mind honeyed through like homonyms tase ancient color in the indefinite forest, confusion hung, locked in a gallery frame, lacking and smash the darkness. Sea and joy separated forever. By what you’ve yet to think, that’s the ending, I mean. 

Barbecue Vanitas

Wikipedia Poem, No. 854


floats in the sea and do not see the ancients
void of paintings in found artifacts—which you present
like found artifacts—which you preso un granchio
i remember ian at auntie’s barbecue pulled pork
zinfandel maple cheesecake bolt of mind can of plein-air paintings
in the joyful ma ho preso unrolled bolt of sea
spades and space
what can plein-air painting in the forest confess
spaces and spades
beyond lacking information about how to live?
go outside meet the forest’s entropy
eye to eye what type of ancient void
paintings of celestial objects—which you will know about
what auntie’s done

Claiming Power Without Snatching Power

Wikipedia Poem, No. 830


conversation in large baths of anything — or 
central german giants plug patterns in the 
        the fields did 
     couldn’t playing to you keep 
         — showed up 

      you started 
      to recognize 
the teams 

       the field 
is seasonal 

for these 
secure noun-free fields 

plug patter tomorrow night away 
         tell me the dialogue likely under bias 

reject me at 8 p.m. 

rejection home case 
our live olive oil of contempt hauteur 

   here ask me to like this conversation 
   then add two more problems 
       two more facts and 
       one cup of giants' steps

“if you are 
asking for a friend
there are none inside" 

oy vey what a quest 
but the learning listening slurped up boiling ramen express 
with salted verbs and generative steam responses 

the second of his requests:
      38th street nine thousand paces north to machine learning 
partial neural 
    networking your looks 
   a little 
been out of so-called “liable dialogue" for days  

liable enough 
to keep you inside you all day 
     when though 
       to the consent response 
    there's a glimmering detection of reality 

how if you 
        neural ramen  
  dirty little  
data points 
the engineers hope to ready for market 
and identify the guilty home addresses 
in your darkest hour of saint boniface's soul 

your car 
    like contempt hauteur 
here don’t touch that code 
  it's hot  digital 
        networks to 
        these fields of  
     avoidants the bits and bops analyzing algorithms 
rewriting algorithms flying overhead and ribboning up the heart 

can mean recognition 
constructs response time  
         that we were what new men call “conversational"
is useful 

here are three 
    steps if you want 
         2 become a giant: 

     own networks of cedar

pause every 7 hours  
and dialogue with rejection 

   bias the river (stream creek impregnable of eye
its response to three steps if you can understand 
nancy under simple wooden crucifix fulda was all we'll ever have

‘she said in strand’ (Determiners)

Wikipedia Poem, No. 820


for Deantoni Parks

The forest is nothing but a single strand of spider’s silk suspended in wet air.

the woman on the silk bus spiders
forest asked if i was suspended jewish of
is i said what she said in strand
nothing are you jewish i said single
but my father was wet jewish but
a she said good i said air nothing
single nothing she wet said is
strand there are a lot in of good forest
of jewish people the suspended
spiders i read the silk bible every day
silk i said nothing she spiders said forest
suspended were goofing to win you know is
in im christian she strand said nothing
wet jews and christians single but
air are a lot alike weave a
wet got to protect one but another single
in she said weve got nothing to win strand
suspended this war is she said of
silk and got off the forest bus spiders

Megaloceros (He Suggested I Pray to the Muse)

Wikipedia Poem, No. 769


i can’t say bog
or longéroux four
out of four caravans
on the corner of poplar
and grand i can’t say
four out of four caravans
on the corner of poplar
and grand i can’t pray
four out of four caravans
on the corner of poplar
and grand caravans on the
corner of poplar local local
local my heart was inducted
around 17,000 years bp
lascaux was inducted caves
of the setting covers 600 parietal wall
paintings of the prehistoric site list
in 1979 so elemental complex
the unesco world heritage of dordogne
in 1979 elemental of the
vézère vallenerations and ceilings
cover 600 parietal wall paintings cover
600 parietal walls and ceilings are estimated
around 17,000 years bp lascaux was inducted
washed caves of the setting complex
of a complex of a complex of
a combined effort of many generations
and ceilings covering 600 parietal
wall paintings such as the grotte de lascaux

Fairmount School of Polyrhythms

Wikipedia Poem, No. 738


         the reflecto neveryone and 
      school of polyrhythms i always meant to take 
    it boils in the 
biplane dopple overheadaches toward an old 
      white school of the always approaches 
     toward teterboro 
neveryone and blinks 
       never that meant 
fail fail fail 
      fail fail fail 
      fail fail fail 
fail fail fail fail 
       fail fail 
fail fail fail 
fail fail fail fail 
   fail fail fail fail fail fail 
       fail fail fail fail 
fail fail fail 
fail fail 
fail fail fail fail fail 
        fail fail 
       fail fail 
    fail fail 