Notes from an iPhone

Wikipedia Poem, No. 527

“it is impossible not to hunger for eternity” Jorie Graham

men stand at car windows
knock on car windows
crystal stemware

in the lonely gardens of
masculinity crystal
stemware knocking watch

mediterranean men
stand watch stand
in the lonely

of skinny

men standing off
fingers off
antique replicas of skinny offers

skinny mediterranean
men stand at the skinny windshield
crystal stemware knock on car windows

crystal stemware knock
car windows and windshields
crystal stem knock car windows

crystal knock in car windows
crystal stemware knock the car
wind whip the window

crystals stemware

off antique
replicas of

men men men
standing watch

the lonely

of skinny
mediterranean standards at car windows
dirty crystal

stemware knock
windows into begging

stemware knock knock

crystal car windows
crystal stemware

in the lonely gardens of skinny
mediterranean men standing

off antique replicas of masculinity
his vicious


in the lonely gardens of

iron hammer bursting car

stemware knocking

in the
lonely garden

Remedios Varo (Pentagram)

Wikipedia Poem, No. 526

— juggling for
the cadillac having gawked
lustfully at sulkclouds
capped by a bichon frise

having been gawked at lustfully
by lions and
this confident slow
heart a stepstage i

am the raspberry cloak
juggling for the cadillac having
lusted after loves

capped by sulkclouds each
capped by lions and this confident slow
a stepstage
i am a mage-logician

with nimble fingers
and this confident slow heart
a stepstage i am the cadillac
tasted lust in gawkertown —


Wikipedia Poem, No. 525

“What is in those railcars is also inside my head, / or I imagine it so—no, not imagine, know.” August Kleinzahler 

a trap
what you could reveal
what you’ll have to remind your story
when its over pause briefly to say: which driver

a trap? here
this arrangement of twin twigs
you’ll have to remind your story
pause a truth which drives the trap

what you could reveal
what’s your pronoun?
how deep does its ample
upholstery stop a medical

and which is the operating
out on the story and pauses briefly
who reminds the spark? you
which drives at twigs snap over-efficient dust

soak the operating table
the truth why drives at your point
operating on the spark?
to what you are rigidly bent upon

‘How to Put Rockets in Clippy Bits’

Wikipedia Poem, No. 524

“Whole floors, / broken up and carted off …” August Kleinzahler
an iris lost in a big dog 
bed creative world of professions
talks ted talks ted was a flower 
lost in the usa our numbers blow up! 
submissions: and up comedy at goodpoet writing 
high quality profession inc 
instructs starbucks ted talks 
talks ted talks the usa roasting a city profession 
creative workspace &           game thug 
#indieauthor of quirky     fiction 
survives on… true stories conversation 
survives on a careful rations: 
k signed -h artists! let      us make your missions 
creative     creative writing high quality professions: 
i am our numbers       blow me up! 
submissions:  bed         creative creative
writing high quality    too big… comedy
at its very best she workspaces & game thug 
#indiedev stress in the usa
our numbers blow up!
submissions:  here game thug 
#indiedev stress in the onion inc 
instructs          starbucks 
ted talks ted talks ted talks

Statistical Analysis as Genitalia (Have Data, Will Fuck)

Wikipedia Poem, No. 523

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset
“when a self can (through language, memory, research and invention) project itself everywhere, and can empathize with anyone or anything, what exactly is a self?” David Shields
served as a keeper   object acting or 
coil archaic   plant from ärmə cho͝or 
noun then: armor or   armatura or 
armor origin   original sense   
sense was armored   especially of 
a literary   work in which a volt
age is introduced   voltage is intro
duced by a liter   literary work   
through which a voltage   is molded with scent
century late mid   middle english from 
french from french from arm   mature plural noun 
noun armature is   induced by a 
magnet source of i   iron or coil   or plant archaic 
armature is mold   ed molded with scent   century late mid   
middle english from   from french from armed with   from arms armature

Cause Trouble in the Yard

Wikipedia Poem, No. 521

“With the social consciousness wakened, the average individual may learn to refuse the ‘honor’ of being the bloodhound of the law. He may cease to persecute, despise, and mistrust the social offender, and give him a chance to live and breathe among his fellows.” Emma Goldman
       tent dawn as my tent of a new day as my      tent          of a new day as
      through the se sun is       rising aboutrustling about sporadically
 announces the air is          cool and begin to           adjust    the air     is 
rising aboutde   
my tent i see my tent sporadically announces through the se
 air is rising aboutdjust the faint sporadically announces through the
        air         is rising abouthrough the s my tent sporadically announces
 the faint           scent i see my tent sporadically announces through the s
 eyes open        and crisp and         begin to adjust the sis rising aboutde
 my tent of     a new day as my tent of a         new day as the air is
    rising aboutair   as my tent dawn as my   eyes open      and     crisp and
 crisp and begin    to adjust the sin his own shelter rustling aboutide my
         eyes open and          begin to adjust the wildlife outside my tent 
of    a new          day as my        tent          of           a new day as
       my tent dawn as         the air is rising the ster rustling the srough
 the sun is rising    about scent dawn as           my tent scent scent dawn
 as my tent scent of hickory wafts through the sun is rising aboutde my tent
 sporadically         announces      through the air       is rising
         aboutde      my tent dawn      as my tent of a new day as my eyes
 open and crisp           and crisp and    crisp and          crisp and crisp
        and crisp and crisp and crisp and begin to adjust the faint sporadically
 announces the srough the air as i emerge           from my tent of hickory
 wafts      through the air is rising aboutdjust the faint sporadically
   announces the faint         sporadically announces           through the sin
 his own shelter rustling aboutrustling aboutsun         is rising aboutwildlife
 outside my eyes open and crisp and crisp   and      crisp        and
          begin to adjust       the srough the wildlife outside my tent dawn
         as through the air as           my tent scent sporadically announces
 the s        eyes open and crisp and crisp and        crisp         and crisp
 and crisp and       begin to           adjust the sun is rising aboute wildlife
 outside my tent of a new day as my eyes open and      begin to adjust the s
         my tent sporadically   announces           the sun    is rising
 aboutsee my tent dawn as my tent dawn    as the faint sporadically announces
 through the sis rising aboutent sporadically announces the sanate amid
 a semi-silent sporadically announces the air is           cool and crisp and
          crisp and       crisp and crisp and crisp and crisp      and crisp
 and begin to adjust the      sun is    rising aboutstart           of a     
new day as my eyes open and begin to adjust the faint sporadically announces
 through the sun is           rising abo