Millennials Lose Their Teeth in Threes

their miraculous pink dresses on the left hover
over the pancakes of light leaking

onto the film or maybe even it’s an app
i’ve watched prestige television the kids

are beautiful except the ears
of the twenty-something his life

decisions rattling in the high grass
baked in milk so much poison on the right

she’s tall and thin and nondescript
the last boy smoking wrapped in starlight

solo cupped his purple fingers are squid
as smart as dogs they’re having so much

fun i’m jealous more sex light leaks
so many of them better or worse looking

triangular heaps of flesh in primary colors
banded at the waist with reinforced steel

thinks décolletage wastes his life in a can
do attitude pink fishnets i can just barely

see your pubes sit up straight the sun
hasn’t bothered us in days & yet & yet

peasant families say death comes in threes
i work at facebook my cat wears four red keds

i’m beautiful i’m lost in a supermarket
a slobbering minstrel and a child slave from xinjiang

walk into a bar the pastor trying he’s trying employs
two granny emoji to cover his indistinct nipples

on his finsta the pink dress on the left is recruiting
the light again is better now march 12 2021 still drunk

still water faultless aquiline stock photos
getty images is having a moment

the associated press is having a moment
ethnic cleansing is having a moment

facism labor bigotry accountants
babies the elderly eldridge cleaver

said all the gods are dead
except the god of war

is now available on steam
my battery is almost dead

you give me the creeps when beauty
is undeniable it can only be called witchcraft

we’re minting nfts so our
children’s children won’t have to mint nfts

Review of Trilobyte

Union Square, 2019

“Trilobyte is a prime example of ‘write the poem you want to read.’ BogotaHorribLe has endulged himself into making what he thinks would be a fun experience, disregarding the reader. The result is a short bland artsy experience that fails to live up to its price-tag. A clunky conceit, and forced boring ‘anthropological’ images (one involving this reviewer) doesn’t make things better.”

Collage Burning Landscape

Ridgewood, Sunset

what’s even worth painting anymore? all the nerd
girls in big striped sweaters warming bleach moms
gym guys in slate sleeveless tees and they make
shoes out of knit polyester now tight pants loose
pants clouds bodies minds bricks piled up high hair
gel on a young couple four hundred feet away
i’m worried about their screen time is their crib
flammable age sex location trap beats the problem
with not liking anyone is you always have lots of
company imagine for a moment being a sixteen
ounce poland spring bottle the thin crinkling plastic
threaded neck choking hazard threaded cap
arctic-nothing impermanent black they don’t do
decaf here i listen to the gods who do not have my
best interest at heart is it ok for me to smile at the
incandescent young lesbians so in love i’m
repeating myself my recycled edges ache at the
thought of appearing a fanboy Eileen Myles in
my hands my eyes my neurons my hair dirty teeth
rotten and unbrushed like i said: no one’s looking
out for my brief colors i strain to love anyone but i
fear a relapse into hate for everyone hocking trace
antagonism — like me i’m afraid i prefer living in the
cracks and this world powerwashes squatters rats
milkweed moneywort morning glory like us — there
i go dreaming again self-flagellating my verse-thin
flesh which is bulletproof if bullets are tsetse flies
i am genetic i am bodied and disposable if extant
— there is a cloud there is the gelic memory of sun
leather loafer real burning cigarette appropriately
scented altar i don’t care what your mother named
you i will love you anyway without me.

Cormorant to Cormorant, Fixed in Flight (The Deserter)

Wikipedia Poem, No. 908

for Jerry Saltz

cordite (n) a smokeless, slow-burning powder composed of 30 to 58 percent nitroglycerin, 37 to 65 percent cellulose nitrate, and 5 to 6 percent mineral jelly.

i have a
school of athens
in my head
i have a banana
and slip?
it’s the wu-tang clan over

have a banana
and slip?
it’s this?
how in yr head
i have a school
i have a banana
and slip?
it’s this?

a school
a banana
and slip?
it’s the
wu-tang clan over the compurgation i have
a banana and slip?

in my ipa i gave

a banana and slip?
it’s this?
all that lives
organic matter all
that mater


i matter
all that makes superman superman superman superman superman
superman soup
i have a brawn worth living?

i have a banana and slip?
it’s this?
how in yr head
i ha ha ha

i have a school of athens in
my head
i have
a school
of dirty
i have a brain

Anchor Point on Marx’s Birthday

Wikipedia Poem, No. 775



said the question
needing communism
to point an anchor

said the blames
with lyrics beckoning

bitter acid
said an old-school still
hold tight the ideals
of marxist values

said the tanks to reassert
talk show values blame the armory
less for the birth of the soul

Performing Neurodegenerative Critique (I Escape the Atmosphere)


I escape the atmosphere
I escape the sinister
I escaped the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I recalled the atmosphere
I read the atmosphere
I received the atmosphere
I receive the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I die the anytime
I desire the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I recalled the atmosphere
I escaped the atmosphere
I recalled the symposium
I received the atmosphere
I expected the submission
I example the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I recalled the E
I scale the sinister
I recalled the suite
I recalled the J
I their the submission
I received the atmosphere
I take the explorer
O escape the atmosphere
I example the armoire
I desire the atmosphere
I recalled the afternoons
I rape the atmosphere
I rape the atmosphere
I recalled the K
I recalled the submission
I expected the atmosphere
I example the I reachable the atmosphere
I example the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I scale the S
In evals the n
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the R
In escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the E
I escape the agenda
I escape the atmosphere
I escape
I escape the agenda
I escape the
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the I
I escape the atmosphere
I escaped the submission
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
O I recalled the atmosphere
I evals the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I receipt the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere I recalled the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escaped the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
O rescale the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escaped the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape u up atmosphere
I example the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escaped the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
Inspired the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escaped the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escaped the atmosphere
I rescale the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escaped the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I rescale the atmosphere
I rescale the atmosphere
Ire escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I recalled the atmosphere
I escape the atmosphere
I recalled the atmosphere
I rescale the atmosphere
I escape the answers

Hizb al-Kanaba (Neoliberaling on el-Sisi’s Slacks)

Wikipedia Poem, No. 679



can subscribe to the cause of death before
their relative’s body could be caricature

modern egypt it is closer to reportage
i have personally seen the medical files

polished brass shaimaa el-sabbagh
hizb al-kanaba “in many other contexts
this would

be caricature in modern egypt it is
closer to reportage i have personally
seen the

cause of death before their relative’s body
could be caricature in modern egypt
it is

closer to reportage i have personally
seen the anti-capitalist can subscribe to
the cause of

death before their relative’s body could be
caricature in modern egypt it is
closer to

reportage i have personally seen the
anti-capitalist can subscribe to the
anti-capitalist can

subscribe to the medical files of protesters
killed by live ammunition and looked on
as family

members were told they must accept a
certificate giving ‘cardiac arrest’ as the
cause of death

before their relative’s body could be
caricature in modern egypt it is
closer to reportage

i have personally seen the cause of
death before their relative’s body could be

in modern egypt it is closer to
reportage i have personally seen the
medical files of

polished brass shaimaa el-sabbagh
hizb al-kanaba “in many other contexts
this would

be caricature in modern egypt it is
closer to reportage i have personally
seen the

anti-capitalist can subscribe to the medical
files of polished brass shaimaa
el-sabbagh hizb

al-kanaba “in many other contexts this
would be caricature in modern egypt
it is

closer to reportage i have personally
seen the cause of death before their
relative’s body

could be caricature in modern egypt
it is closer to reportage i have
personally seen

the medical files of polished brass
shaimaa el-sabbagh hizb al-kanaba “in
many other

contexts this would be caricature in
modern egypt it is closer to reportage
i have

personally seen the cause of death before
their relative’s body could be caricature

modern egypt it is closer to reportage
i have personally seen the medical files

protesters killed by live ammunition and
insidious trick that the anti-capitalist can

to the medical files of protesters killed by
live ammunition and insidious trick that

medical files of polished brass shaimaa
el-sabbagh hizb al-kanaba “in many other

this would be caricature
in modern egypt it is closer to



Shenker, Jack. “The bullet mistakenly came out of the gun.” Rev. of The Queue, by Basma Abdel Aziz, translated by Elisabeth Jaquette. London Review of Books 39.23 (2017): 17-20. 8 Dec. 2017 <>.

Bakry, Adham. Hisb El-Kanaba. Digital image. This Is Not Graffiti. N.p., 4 Feb. 2011. Web. 8 Dec. 2017. <>.


“to bed a cricket / stroke my goatee”

Wikipedia Poem, No. 666

“Estragon sees the chicken bones on the ground and stares at them greedily.”



to bed a cricket
stroke my goatee

i dance from side to side now
furrow my brown house

sparrow flutters in a fruit bowl
with whom am i arguing

crickets then go to bed
obsess over critics

crickets and poets both
lord over their own right

hands squeeze the toe of a boot by a tree
on a country road so they can be close to me

its inevitable yes she can be too
she can force it upon herself

space and space again
deprive him ommatidia

smile and she’ll slip an oven mitt
over critics over her right hand

i squeeze the thin lords quaking line
it must be caressed by neon pliers

i love reality with my waist again
and again deprive him space

deprive him teeth and smiles i slip
an oven mitt over the critics oh lord over all

A Conversation About Frederick Seidel Between an Elementary School Teacher and a Hungry Upper West Side Pigeon

Wikipedia Poem, No. 665

Processed with VSCO with p5 preset

either upon this trace of tree
an endless sea and
home how do ye murmur
out in
barren mazes or
cyclades or
the islands of king solomon

i want to become and
that i want to become and
then i want to become
a legendary cameo
pinned on i want who
hasn’t stopped coming
the reader chokes on
the long layer with insipid here’s

the reader limpid
limpid limpid limpid
here’s the poem with
insipid bookmarks you guessed it
the poem with layers with blood
with insipid limpid
limpid limpid
here’s themselves

clear as day
i want to become a quill a
legendary cameo themselves
swallowed i want someone who won’t stop coming
big moves i want to become a
legendary cameo the reader chokes on
the poem the seawater the spirit-spout

with layers
with layers


RNG (Robbins v. Goldsmith)

Wikipedia Poem, No. 663


in that particular place
at that precise instant 

virtue in late fall      sniff
modernism rhyme disappear 
from poetry sometime in late fall    sniff
the primary output of modernism
rhyme disappears from poetry sometime next week
early winter    is that   sunrise
or sunset    culture moving        
thereby the young reproduce    like culture
and naive move along       high-end users 
originality    the key party of modernism
rhymes with commerce 
disappears from poetry sometime in late winter
when     on average     users taste drambuie and tang 
in 1910 if surrealism happened today    in early spring
it would be over in a logarithmic curve 
along with technology's potted hipsterism 

ibid     originality 
ibid     fetish object 
ibid     of average users 
ibid     modernism
ibid     rhyme