Harvey Weinstein’s YouTube Channel

Wikipedia Poem, No. 636


     peddling peddling beautiful young wares       
they share the title poetry recommendations 
the first seven the first seven their       focus   
permanently soft and their too chewed up   seconds of ice           
centered in their focus    premaritally soft         and my all 
the first seven seconds of a half dozen videos 
featuring beautiful young women the color of a   half         dozen videos 
i'm too chewed up by the   first seven        colors of a      half dozen videos           
featuring beautiful young women their focus       is premaritally soft    
and          the title poetry recommendations a half dozen digital frames smiling 
beautiful young        recommendations a half      dozen videos peddling women
 the first seven recommendations    their focus is premaritally beautiful young 
wares they share the         first seven digital         frames smiling     
peddling beautiful young    titles    recommendations framed      in premaritally soft   
focus their focus is permanently soft and i'm too chewed up to try 
their focus is permanently soft and the   color of       ice    centered in the           
half dozen videos    featuring beautiful young colors ice centers of my focus   
soft seconds of a half dozen         women          all chewed to poetry 
recommendations first then seven seconds of ice

Self-Conscious About My Ancestry

Wikipedia Poem, No. 635

“Ogni parola / è un gallo che canta all’alba. / Al mattino vedo il tuo volto / teso a strapiombo sulla mia grandezza.” Alda Merini
      permanently debilitated 
     google street 
    view images of acquaviva platani planted 
          soft yellow was much older 
than the 
american the terminal point 
a careful permanant debilitating thought google street 
view images 
  what's really there not
      really modest colonialist influence i 
  spent hours 
   google street view images of instafame 
   foreground holds 
background nisseni no more