‘How to Put Rockets in Clippy Bits’

Wikipedia Poem, No. 524

“Whole floors, / broken up and carted off …” August Kleinzahler
an iris lost in a big dog 
bed creative world of professions
talks ted talks ted was a flower 
lost in the usa our numbers blow up! 
submissions: and up comedy at goodpoet writing 
high quality profession inc 
instructs starbucks ted talks 
talks ted talks the usa roasting a city profession 
creative workspace &           game thug 
#indieauthor of quirky     fiction 
survives on… true stories conversation 
survives on a careful rations: 
k signed -h artists! let      us make your missions 
creative     creative writing high quality professions: 
i am our numbers       blow me up! 
submissions:  bed         creative creative
writing high quality    too big… comedy
at its very best she workspaces & game thug 
#indiedev stress in the usa
our numbers blow up!
submissions:  here game thug 
#indiedev stress in the onion inc 
instructs          starbucks 
ted talks ted talks ted talks