terrible news

her near warmth in the bed beside
had gone down blonde, but beside 
me now — her broken english 
in pieces on the hardwood floor

in this home  her home  the decorative 
grammar tied back against the white wall
paint bubbling under the low sun
on the sullen sill
an immigrant  here

something  a dark dirty brown  darts by
leaps and sprays I’m asleep again  my
back pierced through with her bed spring

the sun is coming from outside  she is gone 
my sweat  mine  punctuated by the phone call
terrible news.

wikipedia poem, no. 8

photo (1)

above their offspring they are usually solitary 
male sun bears occur in standing sites 
consist mainly of fallen hollow logs
some are usually solitary

male sun bears occur in standing sites consist mainly 
of fallen hollow logs but some are usually solitary male 
sun bears occur in standing sites consist mainly of fallen logs
but some are active at night for short periods
bedding sites consist mainly of fallen hollow logs but some 
are active at night for females with cavities underneath fallen hollow logs 
but some are usually solitary male sun bears occur in trees 
when they do not