>And then The Explosion, Flames Ripping like FISH HOOKS Into The Sky


i am not afraid of telling you
that disappointment cut me,
(but i am afraid to say your name)
You, snoring and moaning: a log
loafs incontinence down a slippery
hill, and i am nothing but a bald witness

these sights and sounds, the pastel pallet
pushes electric east then wild wind west
as i shake my head and daydream, “will you hold me?”

loafs incontinence down a slippery
little list of lazy, inopportune, poorly timed insecurities
PERK … [ long pause ] … PEARL
maybe the only real creations of our lives
will arise from troubled times

i cannot live in this vessel, i cannot live outside this vessel
i will deplane whatever it is in my hand, harboring, harboring
the port is but my flesh quivering beneath my flesh

what pet taught to fear the incomparable
‘i’ through which we know the world?

fear him, subtle, push at his temple and knock
himself from the horse of *GOD* at every triple-fork
Bacchus, Mana, Commissioner, Persephone, Necropolis
my followers will know you for your kindness and warm kindred.

i am handcuffed by thought trailing through a river
throat warm and wild, you will find a maze without escape.