Public Broadcast Spearfishing

Wikipedia Poem, No. 729

The Tale

“At the John Weber gallery in New York, in 1972, on two separate occasions, [Hans] Haacke created a sociological study, collecting data from gallery visitors. He requested the visitors fill out a questionnaire with 20 questions ranging from their personal demographic background information to opinions on social and political issues. The results of the questionnaires were translated into pie charts and bar graphs that were presented in the gallery at a later date. They revealed, among other things, that most visitors were related in some way to the professions of art, art teaching, and museology, and most were politically liberal.” from the Wikipedia entry for Hans Haacke

“We have awaited the coming of a natural / phenomenon. Mystics and romantics, knowledgeable / workers / of the land. // But none has come. / (Repeat) / but none has come. / Will the machinegunners please step forward?” Amiri Baraka, from A Poem Some People Will Have to Understand

     yes you did o! yes 
          you did
     yes you combine that o! and this  
          yes and what a good television broadcast 

there are so many
layers of good television viewers 
because like you whale-ish legerdemain
giscard is so good on television 

     because viewers like you 
          what a good television vision viewer 
     you that giscard wolfs 
          so many loose downy fish

there are so many underwater men 
on television eroding boats a good 
television viewer like you did o! yes you 
make it visible now and for good 

     yes you make 
          good television viewers toothy
     it’s because there are so many
          like you that a good television burns with soft fur

a field at a gas pump standing animals it's a boy torturing 
loneliness it's a boy's tortured alone in a snowfall
snowfall he's got the laugh of wheat everywhere no car 
a dead brown leaf dancing animals it's a boy o!


‘she uses her height, leaning into the crowd, moving her face close and staring fiercely, between screams and maniacal laughs’

Wikipedia Poem, No. 609

“Still, there are ways / of touching without bulldozing.” Ruth Madievsky
sail between
make it surreal   easy 
name a standup comic 
that could be   anyone
so we'll make it   easier
name a standup comic 
called salvador didion née carlin
ok   that   could be anyone
so we'll make it   sleazier
name a standup comic   remover 
a 40-year spill 
spot a 50-year turn 
into his own unique breakfast 
one-liners that kill a tourist spill- 
spot   a place and now he’s gone
tell me   about some   people       
who were   here
here there   here where   anywhere
hear hear   name a   dear preamble no       
preamble   no surrealistic buildup 
or any kind of fan service 
less rhodes straddled coffee   helios          
possibility to work with   voice made kind joke    
them haha yokes   or maybe little zen koans       
disguised as arid hardpan 
call out   morning coffee 
give helios at rhodes something
to work with   war   made kind joke 
or maybe   more or less


Textures & Discrepancies

Wikipedia Poem, No. 533

“Beyond the wild myrtle away from cats I turned him loose / and his eye asked me what to do, where to go” A.R. Ammons

debord jp
male writers
kenneth adrip
goldsmith evanescent
a substance despised

twenty ten is divided by
siegel & associates and a
on the
is a
fall prize and a

earliest known club membership
often refer to
switch to they were

of no eternal significance
language used over
the shift to
go about weaving changes and
many tender