Artifacts of Reference, No. 62

God hard-press crushed; perplexed, in despair; persecuted, forsaken; struck down, destroyed. battles. deception, defeat, destruction, death. roar into you Angels chase wilderness in audacious strange heir. Confident throne. Earnest requests of blood spill your God. if you have a mountain jump God Will do what you want

Sandor Clegane (Insomnia)

Black Philosophy

refuse to earn
another necessary
shit one reads pauline kael
like a lover poured forth
unseen swift
unheard pre-
historic pre-existence — now
bountiful no one remembers
the review one remembers
the cinematographer
Michael Ballhaus and
the brother near-
catatonic sops “I love you,
Frank” under pallid
piano smoke chops
his elder down — i’m

sick sick sick
of characters
and creators
in film tv final
draft polishing copper
mirrors by script light

Card Trick

look at those fucking pants
effervescent zinc-blind
icicles reaching toward our lord
and god ugly three-quarter leather
clogs the split-pea color of loose babyshit

but man those legs she pulls out
a snakeskin card her cowl and pendant
choker all those attendant men know what’s up
off to the right in awe of the godlike halogen light
the other woman ice cold in military pants

the ochre oxblood and white tile floor
the painter showing off—ighties—of course
he’s showing off the sole cardface—
ace of diamonds—joy card hidden
from the longhaired pair of rubes

trick of bathing light modern litter
the professor elevated incandescent
on wheels emanating—you know
what comes next—card trick forever
spread across the faces of acolytes and accomplices

What About Socialism?

Wikipedia Poem, No. 929

Your rejection is both expected and terrifying.

intelligence system that could be five
to seven years before shopping is done the said. “And I think we
were aware of humans. “This is
mostly automated personal-shopping today,” she search disappears before
shopping service, preparing is done the system that could be five to seven years and more shopping service, preparing in.”id. “And I think we were aware of
the system is doing today,” said Jetblack’s army of the tech of the CEO. “the search disappears before shopping.” id Jetblack CEO. “This is mostly automated apparel rental company Rent The Runway. The Runway. The
Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The CEO. “the system is done through voice-activated personal-shopping is done is done
through voice-activated apparel rental company
Rent The Runway. The
Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway.
The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The
Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway.
The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The
Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The
Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The
Runaway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The
Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway.
The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway.
The Runway. The
Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The Runway. The CEO said. “And I think we were aware of humans. “This is mostly automated is
done though voice-activated and less reliant on humans. “This is done

Chelsea Manning

Wikipedia Poem, No. 922

Grand Jury (Can’t Risk), 2019

i’ve found you in contempt either until you purge yourself or the end of the life of the grand jury

either until you purge you in contempt either until you purge you in contempt either until you purge

the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the grand juryself o

you purge you in contempt either until you purge you in contempt either until you in contempt either

end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the grand juryin contemp

yourself or the end of the end of the end of the end of the life of the end of the end of the end of

the end of the end of the end of the life of the end of the grand juryin contempt either until yo

end of the life of the grand jurypurge you in contempt either until you in contempt either until

the grand jurypurge you in contempt either until you purge yourself or the grand juryin contem

either until you purge you in contempt either until you in contempt either until you in contempt eit

the grand juryin contempt either until you in contempt either until you in contempt either until

juryjuryfe of the end of the end of the life of the end of the life of the end of the grand

i’ve found you in contempt either until you purge yourself or the end of the life of the grand jury

Dirty Pictures

Wikipedia Poem, No. 900

High for a brief time—then dipping, puffy coats.

“travel is reactionary / why is travel reactionary?
because you bring money & germs

— Carolee Schneeman

Capitol is a barren and spindly thing.
Its tart parts art themselves sunflower—
High for a brief time—then dipping, puffy coats.

This weekend in Palm Beach;
Prison guard for a weekend in Palm Beach.
Cotton, tobacco, lima beans.