Ben Lerner Said Actual Ruby Kiss

Ben lerner said actual ruby kiss the photograph of a kiss painting the photograph repainting the kissing photograph kissing an original thought honey do you want to come inside my clubhouse a drunk by any other name pumping the value of the original object and work cannot vapor value propitious night which is the original you had to be there in my current or lucky wrap and ribbon electricity says ben’s coffee breath rindy sam avignon two thousand and seven days inside dozens of hours of research or a quick google search clicked close like a locket wow not wow instead of running out of shells there could have been a runner in a nearby van who implant jammed that’s one example now because you can’t get the high ground on a cloud conceiving horrible corpus over served vile creatures over flowing the same eternal river banks with the same eternal bodies.

Good Parenting

“Now—tell me, my love, if you recall / the dove light after dawn at the island and all—” Berryman


Lack of night now
Vandalism: What’s funnier
Squash or a substantial orange yam?
In a manger? Spaghetti
Wake up with a headache
Not the night before, but

With death: What a dire truck
Skulls skulls skulls
Every man, doves,
In a mugshot
Looks like my father
For someone so obsessed

Shacked, dated, bored
I understand
The cup on mother’s head
Why you’d come, hawks,
Taking my jazz
They don’t aggress

Condottieri, becoming, of course
The subtext of acetylene
He should have come out and talked