Wikipedia Poem, No. 259

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“At the heart of all the proclaimed love of abstractions and absolutes there is the characteristic inability to love actual persons, or to forgive them.” Les Murray


the burst actor’s aura releases itself
issues film today fans adore slicehead
macho rough in reverse above all else and

sporty macho rough-and-spores some gangsters follow
tough-and-tough-and-tough who pledge to cardboard
aura releases friday then fires cinema with one iconic

burn in his guffaw friday then trails off
for lenten roles like rilke and rambo to focus on-screens
his first reel role the long face an industry superhero

unstable yet no less of skin after 10 pm he is its fits
he is the big-budget movie’s kiln he is the movie’s kin
after 10 pm he is its film unstable yet no less of skin
