In the Oval Office

Wikipedia Poem, No. 858

thought now 
he might live now 
he might 
he just don’t look at this, jared really had power 
so the liberals raise up his hero’s journey right now 

he might now 
he just might now he   
might have thought now live right now 
though he might live for the liberals imprisoned 
him on his hero’s journey right now 

he might wow he might just live now 
he might flex on his hero’s journey right his soul 
just channeled it looks so good we don’t look that good
we don’t look good we wine drown and don’t look good
we don’t look at this, jared, really, they started appreciating this fine wine   

wine whine wine whine
he thought clever now 
he might be mighty now he might 
now just for a moment he might live now
for there’s a fine wine to be found how

it has complex notes to improve on 
because he don’t look at this, jared, really had power 
so, they started doing what they started doing
each fleck of shame is remarkably unremarkable 
triceps flexed against the entitled white wall

Source: Vucci, Evan. “Kanye West, in ‘MAGA’ Hat, Delivers Surreal Oval Office Show.” Associated Press, 11 Oct. 2018,

Ivanka Trump

Wikipedia Poem, No. 444

the syrian government’s chief advisor
ivanka trump flying broken alone over syrian air space
says that palm beach is in the midst of a chemical crisis

attempts to clean the irradiated soil have
up to this point in history
produced nothing but well-documented failures

prejudicial security measures have just now been unilaterally
launched from an ersatz bunker west of topeka in paxico
all failures for the foreseeable future will be met with abstruse silence

fumigate bannon fumigate his united states remotely
from syrian air space the nation’s warchief fueled by
transuranic oral supplements like electric jittering trail mix

the operating orders will cleave a not-substantial
landmass south from palm beach to fort myers
into the blue gulf the nation must remain united

all failures are in the
interest of our muslim
brothers and sisters