Alex Hudson

Alex Brown
“I think that the paintings are merely voyeuristic due to the fact that the images are not mine and I find myself looking for a story within them—a story which I try to expose by boiling out the proverbial impurities,” Brown said in a 1999 interview.

When Hudson died in 2014, Alex
considered his lifeline cut. He was
not going to do the social labor that
many artists regard as part of the
job, but

he had a few solo exhibitions in Paris
and New York, including a
miniretrospective at Galerie
Richard on Orchard Street
last year.

When Hudson died in 2014, Alex
considered his lifeline cut. He was
not going to do the social labor that
many artists regard as part of the
job, but

he had a few solo exhibitions in Paris
and New York, including a
miniretrospective at Galerie
Richard on Orchard Street
last year.

When Hudson died in 2014, Alex
considered his lifeline cut. He was
not going to do the social labor that
many artists regard as part of the
job, but

he had a few solo exhibitions in Paris
and New York, including a
miniretrospective at Galerie
Richard on Orchard Street
last year.

Argument with The Motorcycle Accident

Wikipedia Poem, No. 730

“Overheard2” Joseph M. Gerace. 2018.

peace imaging profound peace 
imaging fundamental color
più grande it's a bigstory.html

fuck the 
brain that 
        is in use blood flow 
more gear from a tortured boy 
snowfall cell thousands you love that you've found two women 
alone enough red deer headdress activity 
        detective something something sitting
alone in his car enough white rain 
        as in they approach the couple 
with violence writhing holly king 
born from the dialect in violence