“The Great Enigma” by Stamatis Polenakis (trans. Richard Pierce)

photo c 2020 joseph gerace/wikipoem.org

Goodbye forever to this brief
age of freedom.
Farewell unforgettable days and glorious nights
and leaves swept away by the wind.
We were young, we hoped for nothing
and we waited for tomorrow with the blind obstinacy
of the castaway who throws stones in the water.

Source: Polenakis, Stamatis. “The Great Enigma.” Austerity Measures: The New Greek Poetry, edited by Karen Van Dyck, 2017, p. 233.

To the Real Cannibal Mockingbird

What is Phillis Wheatley’s name?
What is Phillis Wheatley’s name?
What is Phillis Wheatley’s name?

What is Phillis Wheatley’s name?
What is Phillis Wheatley’s name?
What is Phillis Wheatley’s name?

What is Phillis Wheatley’s name?
(What is Phillis Wheatley’s name?)

Dareen Tatour

Wikipedia Poem, No. 797


al-nakba i’m so impatient
the literary saga is no saga at all
garners various guilt and guile
pen as video edited amongst soft reign

ya shaabi qawim y
sha’abi qawim

youtube denies her house arrest
digging her trial and youtube conflict
placing her under doric splits like columns

ya shaabi qawim y
sha’abi qawim

self-imposed house arrest of martyr
poets my people recite and resist
wrapped like a mummy in laurels

ya shaabi qawim y
sha’abi qawim

international debates over free speech
facebook discrimination youtube and wit
separate seed from the harvested plant
space love the court condemn the nazarean’s

ya shaabi qawim y
sha’abi qawim

my pen blooms daily condemns the court of
men says i am restricted to dig below my pen
wrestle the angel of the lord of cease and resist
organize with threat the whole world will hear
legal and recite jail democracy in the hands of
video confine me to pale attacks on poems tea
i’m so impatient media in a democracy is a decision
i’m so impatient she garners the internet


The road is so long…




Further reading: 

‘Palestinian Women Journalist Participated In a Training Workshop’

Wikipedia Poem, No. 753

palestinian women journalist participated in a training workshop in ramallah on the qualities and skills they need in order to become more influential and able to influence change and participate in public affairs in the media political and social sectors and on the challenges and obstacles that hinder their capabilities the training workshop was organized and implemented by the palestinian center for development and media freedoms (mada and was attended by 18 women journalists from all the governorates of the west bank over the course of two days where the trainer fida barghouthi reviewed on the first day a number of obstacles that hinders women journalists to actively engage participate and influence in the public debate and the challenges women journalists face in the current environment of media where women journalists addressed all forms of discrimination against them at work they stressed the need to legislate and implement laws and policies that protect workers and media workers and to end discrimination against female journalists on the second day the trainer presented a number of palestinian leadership models and analyzed the reality of palestinian women in general their impact on the palestinian political social and media reality and the skill set required for the media for more attendance such as lobbying and advocacy skills and using the media to achieve better participation and gender mainstreaming to ensure success for women journalists this training workshop is part of the legal empowerment project for palestinian women journalists supported by the representative office of finland in ramallah

Source: “Palestinian women journalists demand to eliminate all forms of discrimination against them.” Palestinian News Network, 9 Apr. 2018. 9:05 a.m. Web.

Portrait of Amiri

Wikipedia Poem, No. 641

white politicians are their 
  weapons of there 
be black poems written until love 
let their weapons or they is 
their weapons 
       leaving whose 
         splintered steps or 
loud stumbling assassins 
we want a bar stool in 
     liberal spokesman for trees 
of there      william calcraft 
     poison gas bullshit unless 
        here’s a negroleader pissing
we want a 
stool in the white poems written 
         for steel love and death wrestlers
or shudder 
on the wrestlers' heaving breast 
or loud with 
lizbeth taylor’s 
     smear on girdlemamma mulatto bitches whose 
      brains souls pulled for the crow crowd
        splintering fire 
we want 
         a black people  arrgh


Wikipedia Poem, No. 267

“On the wall is a spot: the painter sneezed / … or dirt, / or is it a cousin back from the dead / yearning to touch brows. / The spot is not monochrome; red is with that gray. / It is … a cell beset by virus. / Really, I don’t know. So much business thins me out. / And now voices approach: they are spheres, textured.” Kleinzahler


direct pinesap sunlight sight recede
fundament unnerving receiver
function over fabrication consider this

future clasping scales study and synprecept
rich woodland sights sunlight retractable specific-
developed neuroscientific union

of committee glans stretch the canyon tip
commonly suggests 95 percent in utero make art
in utero enhanced thought through thunder

between metonymy and metaphor innervated mucous memory
‘s saprophyte defaces coin retractable specific
developing through time with wine considered raceme

retractable boy fairly stretchable roots of pine and oak
man fairly stretchable specific developed analyses suspend mental
syntheses overstimulates unfastening copper cage door

Source: Kleinzahler, August. “The Interior Decorator on Sunday.” Live from the Hong Kong Nile Club: Poems, 1975-1990. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000. Print. Page 31.

Wikipedia Poem, No. 99

“I can lay out a field / a Spectrum / Where in / So what is spoken / is the living / the flesh / & its / Movement—” from Amiri Baraka’s “#19 Death Parallels”

Wire drags west then the department
built a very black of gauze and effect
and its proximity says “You this ain’t.”

A violent IC caveat duster
you are alcohol is the issue
but what time?

Intelligence community settlefield
race claims classified destructive
presence in the closive of counteers
that night hears excruciating across

Hawaii Emily she differs on
the thin way to February Marlow
Stern rode in on a Mistan wheel

When into the bleak Pacific
speaks a civil libation except over
government acoustics