My Homunculus

Wikipedia Poem, No. 928

Black & Gold Pyramids
Heights of Golan

myself: porcelain command line
door you guys sell bananas?
on a long enough timeline lost
do you guys some neck
selling bananas? mom’s
common sense—this place.

myself: one can’t scrub you guys
sell bananas? on a long
enough timeline moon
grunts line lifting her
mercy mirrorshades belly
myself porcelain common

myself: long enough timeline
moon feel happiness
release buttons belly
buttons begging his
mba he’ll let megabanks
mercy mirrorshades begging

myself: where i find myself
porcelain common long
door you guys
sell bananas on a long
timeline lost you guys neck
says neck says bananas

myself: in a spreadsheet line
door you solve with yr
abiding you want little
handsome neck he streets
line lost do you guys
sell bananas on a long

myself: prison timeline clean
this one build moon mercy
mirrorshades begging press
release button belly buttons belly
buttons begging internet i aim it
at my peers leave can’t grey away

myself: internet i aim little press
release buttons belly
buttons talking difference
do you solve with yr abiding
of consolidated homunculus
coming up short

No Taste for Concern

Wikipedia Poem, No. 762

but trump gave up the  visitors said 
the  could were first list in an 
interviews en irá partisanship 
including the trabajo 
que pudimos fue pudimos 
pudimos ser primero lista en un 
interviews en un interviews including 
the primero trump 
se dio por vencido el     
            daniel daniel daniel daniel 
daniel demócratas incluidas de la visit 
but trump gave up 
the visitors said el errores  
           trump has 
abandonado acept revious visitors 
said the interior
                  said el errores que su oficina 
de la oficina de la visitors 
said his work we 
could were first lista y                  
                  interviews including 
of the en un 
interview and 

 dijeron que su el     
          dijeron que 
   pudimos ser primero lista en irá 
nuclearized acceptar opiniones 
incluso el errores

Source: Rogers, Katie. “特朗普时代首次国宴将近,第一夫人如何筹备?.” The New York Times, 24 Apr. 2018. Web.