The Cuban Prisoners

Wikipedia Poem, No. 887

Metapacking District (ix), Joseph M. Gerace

The Cuban Prisoners—The intelligence brought by the Cherokee, from Havana, sets in still stronger light the atrocity of the deceptions which were recently practised upon the good feeling of this nation. The generosity and forbearance of the Cuban Government deserve all praise. Not only does the Captain-General attend to their wants, and consult their comfort, as if they were invited guests instead of hostile invaders—unfortunates rather than criminals; but he encourages them with the hope that their release will speedily follow their arrival in Spain. Of course proper steps have been taken to ensure the active intervention of the American Minister in Madrid, on behalf of the deluded and betrayed adventurers.

New York Times, Sept. 24, 1851

show true character
unintention of confidence
sometimes in violation of an enemy
treacherously giving information
deception deceive deceive deceive deceive
deceive deceive deceit
trayal deceive deceptionally show
a true character
dare to give
unintentionally reveal unintention to lead
deceive deceive deceive deceive
deceive obsolete trayed
be evidence
of an enemy by treachery
to an enemy by treachery
disclose deliver or desert
especially reveal
unintention of an enemy
to lead astrayen

or disclose violate
unfaithful in violation
an enemy
treacherously give
gravely disclose one’s
country group or disclose
in guarding maintaining maintaining maintaining
maintaining maintaining maintaining maintaining maintaining maintaining
maintaining maintaining
maintaining maintaining
sugar ice mint rum

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