Donald Trump

Wikipedia Poem, No. 497


of the decision mhm     still thinkin      pledge of the impact of the impact of the decision mhm     still thinkin        campaign   still thinkin      critters about his mind mhm            still        thinkin                still thinkin   change his                    critters       proclaimhment dunn  three of these decision mhm     still thinkin       good on it      even as remain                 even as                        still thinkin                   thinkin                still thinkin           still thinkin            still thinkin      even as remain a campaign pledge of the decision mhm   still thinkin         pledge   still thinkin      still thinkin             still thinkin       still thinkin             still thinkin    even as remain                            still thinkin          even as             pledge   still         thinkin           mhmm             still         thinkin      even as remain a       part   still thinkin    that comhmitted about his mind mhm   still            good on   still thinkin       pledge   still thinkin       that he would could could could   still thinkin                 campaign pledge of the would could could could could could could could could could   still thinkin         campaign pledge of the impact of the would could could could       still thinkin        pledge officials with   still thinkin                still thinkin           thinkin        still thinkin    still thinkin                 pledge of the        decision mhm   still thinkin                                                still thinkin              pledge   still in flux wednesday morning   still thinkin                      thinkin     still thinkin              make   still thinkin               still thinkin           even as        even as          that he would could could could   still thinkin             still thinkin                                   still thinkin              still thinkin   remain                     public proclaimhment was still thinkin     still thinkin                  pledge   still thinkin     that he would could could could could could could could could could could   still thinkin                critter that he would   still thinkin     still thinkin               that comhmitted about his      public proclaimhment dunn  three of the would could could could could could could   still thinkin                          still thinkin      even as                         public proclaimhment dunn  three of the impact of the impact of the           decision mhm       could be            still thinkin           still thinkin        pledge of the impact of the decision mhm     still thinkin

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