strange bird / light bearer / glittering corpse

Wikipedia Poem, No. 981

begin: top left corner of the frame

blue glowings take arms
strands curling through the sky

stream mind
snow heart
falling doubt

dark seaweed
insects fly away
divide the sky

follow: channel where shadow meets highlight

white lily scent of riverbed brain
the sun with its spear at dawn with father
against young white phosphorus

carve out the sky
wash away
with the bodies pistil depth

the sky
its long arms

through: pealing gaussian sweep

red nights fly
away at lily depth
— the spear

at dawn yesterday
green tomatoes
long white roadside flow

a quarrel with the scent of eyes
drifting with particular life
towards the articulate thin mist draped over blue sky

until: arrive

white lilies divide the red life
enclose new york times best-selling weapons
falling sky and curls of mirroring moon

film / lips
come forward
crawl through

the arms manufacturer’s heart
toward its frowning green body
bloody ocean sky glowing doubt


dark quarrel with constant cloud
long arms of a strange bird
among glittery copse

many tense teen tomatoes
in wickful lily scent
falling doubt

dark seaweed
insects thread
like veins


dry white wine
an enclosure
for seaweed

clouds break at quarrelsome joints
like the scented blue sky streaming
through phosphorus mind

snowfall virus
carves rod to
cylindrical shell


burrows through sky white flow
a quarrel in the wasteland
drift to blue away blooming

doubt dark flow moating
floating moon steel pan
pen pans heart roman along arms

strange bird
light bearer
glittering corpse

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