Mads Haahr

Wikipedia Poem, No. 832


“This book I bought in Venice for one Ducat in the year 1507.” Albrecht Dürer

         and bought a 
mousemat.d bought 
a a mousemat.a mousemat.wo hours there 
and bought 
a mousemat.bought 
      bought a mousemat.nt 
    two hours there and bought 
and bought a there and bought a 
      bought a 
      mousemat.d bought 
    mousemat.wo hours 
there and 
bought a 
     mousemat. two hours 
there and bought a mousemat.hours there and bought a mousemat..nt two hours there 
          bought a mousemat.o hours 
     and bought a mousemat.ere 
bought a mousemat.there and b

Tokyo, 2006

Claiming Power Without Snatching Power

Wikipedia Poem, No. 830


conversation in large baths of anything — or 
central german giants plug patterns in the 
        the fields did 
     couldn’t playing to you keep 
         — showed up 

      you started 
      to recognize 
the teams 

       the field 
is seasonal 

for these 
secure noun-free fields 

plug patter tomorrow night away 
         tell me the dialogue likely under bias 

reject me at 8 p.m. 

rejection home case 
our live olive oil of contempt hauteur 

   here ask me to like this conversation 
   then add two more problems 
       two more facts and 
       one cup of giants' steps

“if you are 
asking for a friend
there are none inside" 

oy vey what a quest 
but the learning listening slurped up boiling ramen express 
with salted verbs and generative steam responses 

the second of his requests:
      38th street nine thousand paces north to machine learning 
partial neural 
    networking your looks 
   a little 
been out of so-called “liable dialogue" for days  

liable enough 
to keep you inside you all day 
     when though 
       to the consent response 
    there's a glimmering detection of reality 

how if you 
        neural ramen  
  dirty little  
data points 
the engineers hope to ready for market 
and identify the guilty home addresses 
in your darkest hour of saint boniface's soul 

your car 
    like contempt hauteur 
here don’t touch that code 
  it's hot  digital 
        networks to 
        these fields of  
     avoidants the bits and bops analyzing algorithms 
rewriting algorithms flying overhead and ribboning up the heart 

can mean recognition 
constructs response time  
         that we were what new men call “conversational"
is useful 

here are three 
    steps if you want 
         2 become a giant: 

     own networks of cedar

pause every 7 hours  
and dialogue with rejection 

   bias the river (stream creek impregnable of eye
its response to three steps if you can understand 
nancy under simple wooden crucifix fulda was all we'll ever have

Crystal, Hay & Ash


 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday      U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday 
U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday    U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday
 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday        U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday 
U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday    U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday 
 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday 
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 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday        U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday  
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 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday        U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday 
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 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday      U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday 
 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday      U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday
U.S. stocks rall i need to see      see myself in the ocean Thursday  
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 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday      U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday 
U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday    U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday
 U.S. sto it isn't enough to be       to be hungry and in love sday 
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 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday 
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U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday    U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday
 U.S. stocks rallied  Thursday      U.S.  stocks rallied Thursday

Embouchure for James Comey

Wikipedia Poem, No. 829


They murder
	to Explain
— Amiri Baraka
our  good sense to  have the  leadership class 
in  profoundly uncomfortable  ways the fbi  
despite being   the same embarrassions 

the fbi despite   being profoundly uncomfortable   ways 
the  fbi despite being the same embarrassing profoundly uncomfortable way 
the fbi   despite being problems of your   revenges  

our good sense to have the leadership class 
and   rely on that leadership class 
in problems of your good sense to   enact  our revolution 

your enemy  of meaning profoundly uncomfortable 
in ways the fbi despite  being  so  long 
as we   outsource  outsource outsource   

our revolution   you want revenges our revolution 
you  want a revenge our victories   our revenges our   good sense 
to   have   the same embarrassing thot leadership   class 
        in problems of   meaning 

the   leadership class  in profoundly uncomfortable ways 
the   fbi  despite being so long 
as  we outsource outsource outsource our enemy of meaning 
        profoundly uncomfortable ways 

the   fbi despite being  profoundly uncomfortable 
weighs the fbi despite being profoundly   uncomfortable   
ways the   fbi despite being profoundly uncomfortable 
        the dealership class   
        in profoundly uncomfortable  ways is the fbi  

despite being   problems of meaning 
problems of meaning profoundly uncomfortable  ways 
the   fbi despite   being  the leadership class 

to have the   same embarrassing profoundly uncomfortable ways 
the fbi despite   being profoundly uncomfortable  weighs the fbi   
despite being the same   embarrassing problems of meaning   

the same embarrassing    fbi despite   being the leadership   class 
in profoundly  uncomfortable  ways the fbi despite  
profound problems of  meaning  

the same embarrassing profoundly  uncomfortable fbi   
despite being  problems of   your victories 
our good sense to  have the same embarrassing  fbi  

despite being the same embarrassing 
so   long as we outsource outsource   outsource 
outsource   outsource outsource   
        outsource   outsource outsource 
        boom bip we gone

Study of a Tenure Track Professor

Wikipedia Poem, No. 828


     mount etna 

he is nowhere sunflower 
          dragon's breath of fact

he is nowhere near divinity 
his pupils wise as 
dinner plates 

the first contract 
he is nowhere sunflower 
his students  who stitch up 
the girl
squatting teeth marks
it's all too heavy
for flight
you can 
smell it on his students'  

   his students'   girl 

squatting in the first ready to worship
god.r with the alley every colloquial girl
      squatting to 

in fact  wreck thee
he's all too heavy for flight
you can smell it on his pupils 
his worship god
supposed to notice  

his bitter   dragon's breath
hiss alley 
every  contract he nods
at every colloquial god recalls his worship
inside (again)

to be roasting of a colloquial god a way of a colloquial god the first readers 
be roasted 
      in mount etna 
hunger wasn't supposed to worship god 
      to notice he lies 
nowhere near divinity 

his students   wise as  a way of leaving the colloquial 
girl squatting  
to worship
a way of weather 
in the first readers his students  

his students   wise as chainmail  

     hunger wasn't 
supposed to the first reads of fact

he is nowhere near divinity 
his paper alley
even his  students   wisest students who have 
paid dearly
to notice he lies
near divinity and worship god to notice  
his worship
wise as criminals 
wise as criminals 
his wise 
as chainmail  

roasting teeth marks

it's alley 

his students  

inside wings are but life has 
 a way of a colloquial girl squatting 
in mount etna hunger wasn't supposed to worship
roast in mount etna 

his students 
wise as divinity worship god
this students' way  of fact

he is 
nowhere sunflower 
his  students 
wise as  a way of wealth
he's alley
even his  students   wise 
as chainmail  

inside winter 
his words  chainmail  

his worship
god.or flight you can smells its divinity and worship god the first reads of fact

he is nowhere near divinity 

         hunger wasn't supposed to notice  
he nods
at every 
colloquial god

colloquial girl 

squatting of a colloquial god
      supposed to notice  he is nowhere near divinity 

his words contract  


tendencies in mount etna

hunger wasn't supposed to be roasted 
to be roasted 
in mount etna
hunger wasn't supposed to notice 
he is  
wise as chainmail  

      inside wings 

their volcano's throat
in mount etna

Poem Without Metaphor (Highwire Act)

Wikipedia Poem, No. 827


free expert install   be in control 
aerodynamic design   bold and fast drawbacks   
dayglo free expert install be in control slim  
search parts and   slim headed engine ice 

roadside tool kit large and slim search angel 
headed street engineers black coda kids
synthetic experts in control of aerodynamic design 
bold slim parts   fast commuter skidding along angel street

engine ice road adventure colored   red black coda free   white 
experts in control   strangle aerodynamic design   bold and slim
fast avenue gear street skid large and slim   parts up and down angel street 
layer on the ride   flexible breathable with excellent benefits

take a breather with excellent benefits   a breathable angel
grab yr summer must have gear and fast   be in control angel 
layer on the ride   flexible breathable with excellent benefits 
take a breather   without all the heat layer on angel headed engineers