Study of a Tenure Track Professor

Wikipedia Poem, No. 828


     mount etna 

he is nowhere sunflower 
          dragon's breath of fact

he is nowhere near divinity 
his pupils wise as 
dinner plates 

the first contract 
he is nowhere sunflower 
his students  who stitch up 
the girl
squatting teeth marks
it's all too heavy
for flight
you can 
smell it on his students'  

   his students'   girl 

squatting in the first ready to worship
god.r with the alley every colloquial girl
      squatting to 

in fact  wreck thee
he's all too heavy for flight
you can smell it on his pupils 
his worship god
supposed to notice  

his bitter   dragon's breath
hiss alley 
every  contract he nods
at every colloquial god recalls his worship
inside (again)

to be roasting of a colloquial god a way of a colloquial god the first readers 
be roasted 
      in mount etna 
hunger wasn't supposed to worship god 
      to notice he lies 
nowhere near divinity 

his students   wise as  a way of leaving the colloquial 
girl squatting  
to worship
a way of weather 
in the first readers his students  

his students   wise as chainmail  

     hunger wasn't 
supposed to the first reads of fact

he is nowhere near divinity 
his paper alley
even his  students   wisest students who have 
paid dearly
to notice he lies
near divinity and worship god to notice  
his worship
wise as criminals 
wise as criminals 
his wise 
as chainmail  

roasting teeth marks

it's alley 

his students  

inside wings are but life has 
 a way of a colloquial girl squatting 
in mount etna hunger wasn't supposed to worship
roast in mount etna 

his students 
wise as divinity worship god
this students' way  of fact

he is 
nowhere sunflower 
his  students 
wise as  a way of wealth
he's alley
even his  students   wise 
as chainmail  

inside winter 
his words  chainmail  

his worship
god.or flight you can smells its divinity and worship god the first reads of fact

he is nowhere near divinity 

         hunger wasn't supposed to notice  
he nods
at every 
colloquial god

colloquial girl 

squatting of a colloquial god
      supposed to notice  he is nowhere near divinity 

his words contract  


tendencies in mount etna

hunger wasn't supposed to be roasted 
to be roasted 
in mount etna
hunger wasn't supposed to notice 
he is  
wise as chainmail  

      inside wings 

their volcano's throat
in mount etna