Wikipedia Poem, No. 211

“For a found or made object to be transformed into an offered object, and for it to be able to change its nature in line with the new relationships established in the interior life of the individual seeking a new balance between the internal and external, the pretext to this transformation must have an interpretive value that is, if not always negligible, at least very limited. The offering of an object might have as its setting the pretext of decoration, or a celebration, or some other external and circumstantial accident, just as the manifest life of a dream uses diurnal remnants and random internal and external stimuli to provide the sleeper a framework of no interpretational value within which the action of the dream can unfold.” Ghérasim Luca


too but lovers shed criticism
and a wonderful bummer
of multitudes largely marches on

the play
of a bird play
makes man

which kiss leslie
stars a writers hand
razzle dazzle root beer

1 thought on “Wikipedia Poem, No. 211”

  1. great poetry

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