Wikipedia Poem, No. 107

"I'm reborn in every moment / 
So who knows what I'll become
" Selena Gomez
“I’m reborn in every moment / 
So who knows what I’ll become
” Selena Gomez
phone; it's full the tech tee 
from among us knew many 
boys a hare and the phone 
it's full the ringing tee from 
among us who knew many 
boys a half dozen? she was 
retired her pants loved even
but who among us our mothers
pressed pants and curse 
my mouth and curse my trampoline 
the joints and crow call alike here 
a sparrow pressed pants and cursed 
a squirrel and a crow alike here 
a snake but who among us our mothers


origami now your fathers pressed pants 
retired pants her love even
and held us our trampoline
boys a half dozen? she was 
the granite blob of granite blobs 
among us who knew many 
of phone; it's full the joints & me
it's full the ringing tech tee from 
I watch Picasso work
boys down to a hare and the phone
The granite blob of being born
from among us who knew many
we knew many boys a half dozen? 
a phone; it's full the tech tee 
she was a crow calls alike at the air

    And squirrel 
    my mouth 
     circles a 

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